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Stand:Still Ministries

With over two decades of global and cross country ministry experience, we’ve seen that  a life marked by peace and rooted in Jesus doesn’t just happen by accident. We exist to create spaces where men and women can be deeply formed by God’s truth, love and power. We believe that when people are deeply and intentionally formed by God, they are able to (stand) firmly rooted in Him, bearing much fruit and living from a place of peace (still). 

  • One who knows God and is rooted in His love remains still and marked by a deep abiding peace
  • One who delights in the Lord and meditates on His word is like a tree that stands rooted by streams of living water and bears fruit no matter the season.

It is necessary first to be purified, then to purify; to be made wise, then to make wise; to become light, then to enlighten; to approach God, then to bring others to Him; to be sanctified, then to sanctify…

St. Gregory the Theologian

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